What is $APE?

$APE is the revival of apeing the fuck out.

The internet wasn't created for people to be passive, or for people to be likeable - it was created for you to go apeshit crazy on some stupid ass forum, making everyone else feel concerned for your wellbeing; what we mean is this - YOU should be having fun - trolling people.

BAYC failed to do this, immensely. Therefore, Remilia had to take the reigns of the NFT market - but as Remilia has now won and there is no longer any competition, rather than letting the ape 'way' die - $ape will revive it.

I ape because I have to, and so will you - all of us will soon understand the nature of apeing out once again.

How to ape

Step 1:

Grab yourself a profile picture here

Step 2:

Scroll twitter, as you usually do - and when the opportunity presents itself... APE THE FUCK OUT.

Step 3:

Show the HOMOSapiens on CT how to really dominate the feed.

Step 4:


Know the lore

Apes aren't really what you think they are.
This video goes into really good detail on the topic, enjoy.




Like & Follow, nigga!

Bro, you gotta be likemaxxing this shit, go ape up & work those bags, bro.
$APE coin has no association with Yuga labs. This token has no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. the coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.